Frisbeegolf vakuutus yhteistyö
Pohjola Insurance’s marketing efforts stirred the disc golf community

Partner in the world’s most media-covered disc golf event

European Open is the leading disc golf tournament in Europe.

As a partner in the globally most media-covered disc golf event, Frisbeegolfmedia participated in the marketing and media of the European Open, the biggest and most competitive disc golf event in Europe.

The European Open is known as the world’s most followed disc golf event, annually attracting thousands of spectators on-site. Frisbeegolfmedia has acted as the media partner for the European Open, managing the event’s communications, marketing, and media relations.

“When joining as a partner for the European Open, we had two clear goals: to reach the disc golf community and the national media. The disc golf community was reached multiple times through Frisbeegolfmedia’s channels via social media posts, content articles, and advertising banners. For the national media, interesting narratives were identified, and editorial offices were contacted personally,” describes Lauri Alasaukko-oja about the collaboration.

“Frisbeegolfmedia handled their tasks professionally and precisely. Lauri’s and Janne’s expertise in marketing and communication, combined with their passion for the sport, resulted in an excellent outcome for our event. I can recommend them for similar roles”, Jussi Meresmaa, Director of the European Open, tells.

Image: Discmania